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Client Success Stories

See how SpillPro has helped companies like yours better manage spills

Keolis Downer Hunter

Keolis Downer Hunter purchased spill response equipment from SpillPro to ensure they are prepared in the event of a spill.

Cargill Australia

Facing the imperative of swift response to potential oil spills, Cargill Australia sought a reliable solution. Discover how SpillPro ensured they were always prepared for any spill.

Oil Spill Equipment in PNG

ExxonMobil PNG purchased oil spill response equipment from SpillPro. Live tests with PPL ensured personnel are trained to use it in an emergency.


Daracon were in the process of transforming their workshops. They needed effective parts cleaning machines that would eliminate contaminants and improve their equipment uptime.


Hitachi were refurbishing up to 100 excavator motors and pumps per month. They needed reliable parts cleaning machines that could provide optimal and efficient cleaning of parts.

ExxonMobil PNG

Exxon Mobil PNG needed to pro-actively contain and remedy any spills along a remote pipeline between Port Moresby and Hides. That meant finding a way to transport containment booms, skimmer systems, dispersant systems and incinerators through 700km of dense jungle.

Kogan Creek Power Station

Kogan Creek Power Station needed a way of removing dust and fragment overflow from their coal conveying system – and prevent it escaping into the station's surrounding environment.

Fiji Health

Fiji Health was having trouble disposing of the clinical waste in their four main hospitals.

So they asked SpillPro for a solution.

Our clients

Logo: Rio Tinto
Logo: Qantas
Logo: Xstrata
Logo: Tomago Aluminium
Logo: Incitec Pivot
Logo: BHP Billiton
Logo: Recar
Logo: NSW Transport
Logo: Delta Electricity
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