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Cargill Australia

Keeping Cargill Australia prepared

Case study overview

Cargill Australia is a leader in providing food, agriculture, financial, and industrial products and services to markets worldwide. Cargill Australia operates across various sectors, from producing and distributing agricultural products to offering financial solutions and industrial services.

The problem

The high volume of transport movements around Cargill Australia's Koorigang site poses a significant risk of oils and fuels leaking from trucks and other vehicles. This potential leakage not only threatens environmental integrity but also poses a direct challenge to the site's operations, as it functions as a grain producer. The risk is further compounded by the need for stringent environmental stewardship within the agricultural sector.

  • High transport activity increases the likelihood of oil and fuel leaks, posing environmental threats to the site's operations.
  • Spills can disrupt grain production, causing downtime and financial losses for Cargill Australia.
  • Compliance with environmental regulations is crucial to avoid penalties and legal ramifications for spills.

What SpillPro did

SpillPro responded to Cargill Australia's needs by conducting an on-site meeting and comprehensive site audit. Understanding the critical importance of rapid spill response, SpillPro strategically provided a tailored solution, equipping the site with a number of 240-litre spill kits and drain wardens, strategically positioned to ensure coverage across all vulnerable areas. Additionally, SpillPro implemented regular spill response training programs for all staff, empowering them with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively handle any spill event. To maintain readiness, SpillPro established a routine servicing schedule, ensuring all spill kits are fully stocked and operational on a 12-week basis. This proactive approach guarantees Cargill Australia's ability to swiftly and effectively respond to spills, minimising environmental impact and operational disruptions.

Benefits to Cargill Australia

  • SpillPro's proactive approach ensures swift containment of spills, minimising environmental damage and preserving the site's integrity as a grain producer.
  • By equipping staff with the necessary training and resources, Cargill Australia can maintain uninterrupted grain production operations, avoiding costly downtime and potential reputational damage.
  • Regular servicing of spill kits and staff training programs ensure compliance with environmental regulations, mitigating the risk of penalties and legal liabilities for Cargill Australia.

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